Ramakrishna Mission Boys' Home

The Ramakrishna Mission Boys’ Home came about as a result of the Second World War (1942). The war claimed hundreds of lives leaving children orphaned and homeless. It was at this juncture that the Swamis of the Ramakrishna Order gave refuge to these helpless children. This was the beginning of our Home to render assistance and guidance to children who had no one to turn to. The present building of Ramakrishna Mission Boys’ Home as we know it today was opened in 1950, with space and facilities to accommodate children who need love, guidance and care.
Children who are assessed by The Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) to require residential care will be referred to our Home for admission. Community cases that are referred by parents / guardians, relatives, schools and other VWOs (e.g. SINDA, FSCs, etc.) will be interviewed to assess their suitability for admission by our social worker.
Ramakrishna Mission Boys’ Home
179, Bartley Road. Singapore 539784
(65) 6288 7324 | (65) 6383 5761