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Green Inititative Project
25 Sep 2022
In the present age of global warming and sustainable energy resources, it is imperative for all of us to save natural resources as much as possible.
In the later part of the year 2022, Ramakrishna Mission embarked on its green initiative project. The installation of Solar Panels is part of this initiative. In Phase 1, Solar Panels of 65KW capacity were installed on the roofs of Sarada Hall and the Art Studio of Sarada Kindergarten. The project started in April 2022, and it was commissioned on 25th September 2022. This Solar Power supports the electricity needs of our centre and the excess is exported to the GRID. We have already started saving on our monthly electricity Bills.
We earnestly appeal to devotees and friends, individuals, and corporates to generously support this initiative to complete the second and third phases of this project. At the completion of the third project, most of
our electricity needs will be fulfilled. The estimated cost of the remaining two phases is around SGD 250,000/-.